
How To Smooth Data In Excel 2016

MS Project'southward import/consign role is not as clear cut as it seems, only if you lot follow some of the tips below the process should work more smoothly for you. The design of the data, the wording of the Excel tabs, cavalcade headings, and options all need to exist considered to have import/consign working in a way that volition allow y'all to achieve your goals.

The data below applies to MS Project 2010, 2013, 2016, and MS Project On-Line Import Wizard.


There are option settings and formatting in Excel that can inhibit the import function from working correctly. When the import doesn't work, unfortunately, you willnot meet an mistake message. You will just notice that the import did not bring in the data. To ensure that the import works correctly, set the options as shown below. One time prepare, they will remain an MS Project setting regardless of the project you are working with.

Set the Legacy settings.

File → Options → Trust Center → Trust Centre Settings → Legacy Formats → select the 3rd selection equally shown below.

You should notation several things regarding data design of MS Project and how the import/export role works:

  • MS Project consists of iii major sections of data (Task, Resources, and Assignments).
  • The Import tin can import only toane of the information areas at a time.
  • The Excel spreadsheet should be designed to simply consist of data for import to Job, Resource, or Assignments.

FAQ:  Tin I import resources work updates from Excel to MS Projection?

No. To accomplish this type of import, the data needs to update all three information areas. Therefore, the import function is non designed to perform this type of update. Most solutions for this requirement are custom written. A web search should reveal several solutions.

Format of Excel file:

  • The Import Magician will default to importing from Sheet1. If your data in the Excel file is independent in some other sheet, you will demand to adjust the import map to be aware of the data location.
  • In Excel, datasheet names and column header namesmust be ane discussion without special characters. Underlines are the best characters to employ. Spaces will not piece of work in the name format. Short names work the best.
  • Selected columns may exist imported and mapped to MS Project columns of like data format. For example, text to text, number to number, etc. Bring dates into appointment fields.
    Have a solid block of data without blank lines. The import wizard will stop at the first blank line.

The MS Project file:

  • Create whatsoever customized fields before starting the import procedure.
  • Make sure the customized fields are of the same information blazon as the fields that will be imported from Excel.
  • When possible, create the customized field names to friction match the names in the Excel file.
  • For Job imports, create a custom table in MS Project that mirrors the Excel tabular array. Doing this will allow for a direct copy and paste of the data, and the import wizard will not be needed.

The Import Sorcerer:

Before you start the Import Sorcerer:

  • Be aware of which Excel file fields will be mapped to which MS Project file fields before starting the Import Sorcerer.
  • Not all fields must be imported from the Excel worksheet into MS Projection. When an import map is created, yous will have the opportunity to pick which fields you will import.
  • Brand sure you know which Excel file tab names will exist imported into which data areas within MS Project.
  • Know if your import file has cavalcade headers. If it does, you should bespeak that information when creating the import map.
  • Bare lines in the Excel file will exist imported as blank lines in the project file.
  • Showtime and End dates when imported into the Commencement and Cease fields in Project will create Kickoff No Earlier Than or End No Before Than constraints for the tasks. Retrieve that indicating that a task is completed should be updated into the Actual Terminate column.
  • If you volition exist using a previously created Import map, the map must reside in the Global.mpt file on the machine yous are working on. If the map is non located within the Global.mpt file, the Import Wizard will not brandish the map as a selection option. By default, Import Maps when created are added to the local Global.mpt. If you want the map to stay with the file, utilise the Organizer to copy the map into the global for the file.

Running the Import Wizard:

  • Open up the file y'all would like to import the data into or create a blank file.
  • File → Open up → Files of type → Excel workbook – Locate the file and click on it, Click on Open. The Import Wizard volition start.
  • Click
  • If you have previously created a map, you can use the existing map. If this is a new import, selectNew Map.
  • Click
  • Select if the import will be bringing the information in a new file, appending an existing open file, or merging the information with existing data.
    • If y'all select "New Project" a new file volition be opened using default option settings and default blank project file.
    • If y'all select "Append" the imported data will exist placed at the stop of the current open up file.
    • If yous select "Merge" a merge cardinal must be independent in the MS Project file and in the imported Excel information. The merge cardinal isone field and must be specified at the time the import map is created.

  • Click
    Select data types:
    • Select whether the data volition be directed toward Job, Resources, and/or Assignment data.
      One, two or all three may exist selected, but each i will only import 1 sheet at a time.
    • Select whether the imported file has column headers.
      • If you lot have column headers in the Excel file, this information will exist used to match field names from the import file to field names in the Project file. The header row will non be considered valid content data and will not be imported.
      • If the imported data does not contain headers, column positioning will be matched with the fields on the import map.

  • ClickSide by side.
  • Select the source worksheet.Default isNoneor
    • If the canvass is recognized (ie: correct sheet name format), the information fields will appear with preview at the bottom of the view.
  • The left side of the view volition have the fields in the imported file. Select field values on the correct side of the view to map these values to the MS Project fields.
  • ClickNextto save the new mapORclick Stopto start the import.

  • If y'all selectedNext, click onSalvage Map.You will exist asked to assign the new map
    a proper noun.
  • ClickSalve to save the map.
  • ClickFinish to start the import.

If the import does not occur properly or at all, re-check that you've followed the tips higher up.

MS Project Export:

When a column with a symbol (like the Indicators column) is exported to Excel, the export will produce a numeric lawmaking and not the symbol you run into in MS Project.

Using the import/export magician will not maintain the WBS structure, only if you copy and paste a Task table from MS Project to Excel, the WBS construction will remain.

Related Content

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